Artist: John Reuss
Size: 70 x 50 cm
Category: Painting
ID-no: 53.0221
Price: 15.000,00 DKK

Oil on canvas

Video about: Psychological Portraits.



In general my works are introspective - above all offering perceptions coming from within rather than offering an objective representation of the world. Looking into a subject realm regarding what the world feels like, we can know psychological processes and responds to the world.

This appears in my human figures which are deconstructed and reconstructed from more angles appearing imperfect. When acknowledging a blend of faces and bodies working together, what is shown is more more aspects of same mind intertwined. In the center of my artistry is identity and alienation.

Fundamentally the piece is inspired by the Venn diagram - a mathematic illustration showing one or more objects' uniqueness and common features. In a drawing it is seen as circles overlapping within any objects. Within the separate circle are the unique traits, and within the intersection are the common features. Intersection should be interpreted as a complicated Venn diagram that interprets and maps out the psyche holding different identities in one and same human.
On the surface one can find two dominating bodily figures that overlap and intertwines one another at several points, while the faces behold into the self's internal processes. Some parts visible and some others blocked.

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